Tutorial Creation
Simply showing what to do on the scene.
Last updated
Simply showing what to do on the scene.
Last updated
Do not reboot or leave the scene while recording. It's a good idea to Maximize Game window while recording to fully experience the player's perspective and avoid misclicks.
Here, the recording logic is handled within the Automatic Tutorial Maker (ATM) script.
Run the scene. It is recommended to reset the progress back to the start (clear Player Prefs or JSON files) before.
Click the Start Recording button in the AutomaticTutorialMaker. Recording has started, and all your actions in the Game window are being tracked in real time now.
Show what needs to be done. For example, I clicked on a cactus. This interaction was recorded as a step in the Step Sequence list in ATM. Thus, every action you take in the scene will create steps and store information in them, allowing to later show the player what to do.
Show the full sequence the player needs to learn. For example, click an object, drag one object onto another, use WASD, swipe, scroll - everything required to complete the active scene from start to finish.
Click the Stop Recording button in the AutomaticTutorialMaker when ready. This will initiate the exit from PlayMode and save the generated tutorial. If the button isn't pressed and Play Mode is exited, nothing will be saved.
Run the scene. Now you see the basic visual tips that ATM has generated based on your actions. Try following the tutorial to test it.
Click the Reset Tutor Progress button in the StepSequencePlayer at runtime to reset the progress and check the tips from the very beginning.
Now that the foundation of the tutorial is created, it can be customized in Edit Mode.