Visuals Prefabs
Using the default visuals.
Not recommended to modify existing prefabs & settings. Create new ones based on them. See Supported Visuals for better understanding.
The Tutorial Scene References contains links to the predefined prefabs of various visual tips. Some of them are used as default illustrations for steps. All should be used as examples for creating new ones. These prefabs can be assigned to each tutorial step to provide an illustration of that type.
Default UI Pointer
A hand-shaped pointer used to target objects. Can display text.
Default UI Pointer Mouse
A pointer styled as a mouse. Contains mouse parts that blink depending on the input type. Can display text.
Default UI Pointer Iris
A pointer with "iris" effect. Can be used as a Hover.
Default UI Graphic
A static image on the canvas that can be replaced with a suitable scheme. Contains full potential of the graphic element: text, a background, and a step confirmation button, which can be enabled inside.
Default UI Graphic Text
A static text to display.
Default UI Graphic Popup
A pop-up window with text to display. Good for short hints.
Default UI Graphic Popup Button
A pop-up window with text to display and button for confirmation. Good for short hints.
Default UI Graphic Coachmark
A static image on the canvas that can be replaced with a suitable scheme. Contains full potential of the graphic element: text, a background, and a step confirmation button, already enabled.
Default UI Graphic Side Bar
A sidebar with text to display. Contains a step confirmation button, which can be enabled inside. Good for detailed hints.
Default UI Graphic Swipe
Animated graphic indicating swipe gesture.
Default UI Graphic Touch
Animated graphic indicating touch gesture.
Default UI Graphic Hold
Animated graphic indicating hold gesture.
Default UI Hover
A highlight UI effect to draw more attention to target.
Default Question Mark
A question mark icon. On hover, it asynchronously activates a step with tip content and closes it when the cursor moves away. An example of such a hint can be found on the Demo Scene.
Background Prefab
A background prefab initialized for graphic elements. Editing is not recommended.
Text Static
Static text to display in world coordinates relative to the target. Is faced to camera.
Arrow Dynamic
A dynamic 3D arrow suitable for pointing at a 3D object located close to the player. Configured to never go off-screen.
Arrow Navigation
A static 3D arrow that is always positioned in front of the camera within the player's field of view and points toward the target object.
Pointer Side / Pointer Side 2d
An arrow that is always positioned beside the target object.
Road Sign Static
A 3D arrow that spawns at a fixed position independent of the target object but always faces it, functioning like a road sign.
Geo Tag / Geo Tag 2d
A geotag that appears above the target object and always faces the camera.
Frame Basic
A 2D frame with four corners that spawns on the object, outlining its perimeter and always facing the camera.
Pointer Below
2D arrows that spawn beneath the target object.
Pointer Aim
A 2D crosshair that is positioned in front of the target object and always faces the camera.
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